PROMISE project

"PROMISE - A steP foRward fOr woMen In baskEtball" is part of the Erasmus+ Sport 2023-2025 call for proposals. 

The aim of the PROMISE Project is to promote greater inclusion and participation of girls and women in basketball at all levels of responsibility through the design, implementation and evaluation of a holistic intervention program.

This project works with federations and clubs, which have to assume a key role as transforming agents of gender models and relationships.

In short, it is necessary to promote effective equality and promote a space of opportunities where the imaginary does not only correspond to men's sports practice, it is necessary to open it and give women's basketball its own identity.

Our three objectives

  1. Promote the inclusion and participation of girls and women in basketball at all levels of responsibility.
  2. Raise awareness and become aware of gender perspective.
  3. To empower the female collective through activities, training, meetings, campus for athletes, coaches, refereeing collective, directives and staff of the federations.
Main project axes

PROMISE coursetrain, reflect and get involved

Thanks to the PROMISE program you have the opportunity to be trained in gender perspective for free and with quality content. This training will give you some basic knowledge that will make you reflect and at the same time be able to understand attitudes and behaviors of today's society. It also offers you useful tools as a basketball agent, whether you are a player, coach, referee or others.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 10:31 AM